Technologies & Processes

Water filtration technologies and processes we use consist of various stages to remove impurities and contaminants from water. The sequence of stages may vary based on the specific requirements and goals of the water treatment process. Advanced water treatment systems may incorporate additional technologies or stages for specialized applications. A highly skilled water treatment provider will be able to ascertain compliant solutions based on your region and industry needs. Here are the common technologies we deploy:


Sedimentation or prefiltration is a water treatment method we use that removes suspended particles, such as sand and silt, from water before further purification. This process typically occurs in settling basins or through mechanical filtration. By reducing the presence of solid particles, sedimentation enhances the effectiveness of subsequent treatment processes, such as filtration and disinfection. It improves water clarity, prevents clogging of downstream equipment, and ensures the efficient removal of contaminants, contributing to overall water quality and treatment efficiency.

  • Skan Bag & Cartridge Filters

  • Judo

  • Autofine


Multimedia: Sand & Activated Carbon

This water treatment technology we use utilises multiple layers of different filtering media, arranged in a specific sequence, to effectively remove a wide range of impurities and particles from the water as it passes the filter bed. Filtering media such as sand, anthracite, and garnet are used to eliminate large particles and debris like sediment, chlorine, and organic matter.

  • MediaPro

Micro Filtration: Membrane

We employ microfiltration which uses membranes with larger pores than those in nanofiltration or reverse osmosis. It effectively removes suspended particles, bacteria, and some viruses from water. This process improves water clarity, reduces turbidity, and enhances microbial safety.

  • Skan Bag & Cartridge Filters

  • Judo

  • Defender

Reverse Osmosis: Membrane
Our advanced reverse osmosis (RO) is a water purification method using a semi-permeable membrane to separate impurities from water. Pressure is applied to force water molecules through the membrane, leaving behind contaminants like minerals, bacteria, and chemicals. Solutions are tailored for depending on the industry or sector requirements.

  • HyderPro

  • Herco

  • Endotherm

Nanofiltration: Membrane
Nanofiltration is a water treatment process we use that utilizes membranes with finer pores than those used in traditional filtration but larger than those in reverse osmosis. It selectively removes certain ions and organic molecules, striking a balance between filtration and separation. This method is effective in softening water, reducing colour, and removing specific contaminants. Nanofiltration is widely employed for treating drinking water, wastewater, and industrial processes, offering improved water quality and resource efficiency.

  • HyderPro

Ultra Filtration: Membrane
Our Ultrafiltration (UF) uses semi-permeable membranes with smaller pores than microfiltration but larger than nanofiltration or reverse osmosis. It effectively removes suspended particles, colloids, and macromolecules from water, providing a barrier against bacteria and viruses. widely applied for water and wastewater treatment, as well as in industries like dairy, pharmaceuticals, and biotechnology. It improves water quality, reduced contaminants, and the ability to separate substances based on size, contributing to various purification and separation processes

  • HyderPro


Water softening is a treatment process we use to reduce the concentration of calcium, magnesium, and other minerals responsible for water hardness. It typically involves ion exchange or the addition of chemicals to precipitate these ions. Softening helps prevent scale formation in pipes and appliances, extends their lifespan, and improves soap efficiency, resulting in softer-feeling water. This process is especially valuable in industrial settings, reducing the negative effects of hard water on plumbing systems and enhancing overall water quality

  • MediaPro


We use ultraviolet light to destroy or inactivate microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, and parasites. The UV light damages the DNA or RNA of these pathogens, preventing their ability to replicate. This method is chemical-free, environmentally friendly, and highly effective in providing safe drinking water. UV disinfection offers rapid treatment, doesn’t alter the water’s taste or odour, and requires minimal maintenance, making it a valuable tool in ensuring water safety.

  • Healthshield

  • Defender

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